PII Data Rules

Current Claim Year: 2024

Last updated: 19 August, 2024

Quarterly Claims  >  Specification  >  PII Data Rules  >  PII_Contact

PII Data

The reporting of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) data is done outside of Cedars at the same time as the Cedars claim submissions. In aggregate, PA PII submissions are expected to align exactly with that year's cumulative Cedars claim data.

The PII submission consists of two tables. Each table should be a .csv file, zipped together into a .zip file. The CSV data files must use the "|" character as the delimiter with unquoted text values.

Select table to view fields and rules




The data in the tables must adhere to the rules specified here, including the primary key rules. The Contact table's primary key is ContactID. Table validation checks that the primary key is unique. Primary key values are case-insensitive, which means that Customer123 is the same ID as CUSTOMER123.

  Required fields

Field Name Description Data Type Rules
 ContactID The unique and persistent record identifier and the primary key for the PII Contact table. Must match a ContactID in the ContactClaim table. All values must start with the PA code. Text (up to 255 characters)
 ContactType The type of contact, e.g. Contractor, Owner, Renter. Text (up to 255 characters)
 ContactName The full name of the contact person. Text (up to 255 characters)
 ContactPhoneNumber The phone number for the contact in numeric form. Do not include parenthesis, dashes, or spaces. Number
ContactPhoneExtension The extension for the contact person, if applicable. Number
ContactPhoneType The type of phone, e.g. Cell, Home, Office. Text (up to 255 characters)
ContactPhoneNumberAlt An alternate phone number for the contact person, if applicable. Number
ContactPhoneExtensionAlt The extension for the alternate contact phone number, if applicable. Number
ContactPhoneTypeAlt The alternate number type of phone, e.g. Cell, Home, Office. Text (up to 255 characters)
ContactEmail The email address of the contact person. Text (up to 255 characters) Must contain an @ symbol.