DEER Database
All DEER tables are readily viewed from the CPUC Support Tables within the eTRM.
As of 2022-01-01, the DEER database has replaced the Preliminary Ex Ante Review (PEAR) database (formally named currentbp) and the Ex Ante (exante) database. The "IsProposed" flag is set to TRUE to indicate that new or updated records in DEER tables are provisional until the next DEER Update resolution has been approved. Upon approval, all relevant "IsProposed" flags will be set to FALSE for the given DEER Update cycle.
From the DEER Database sub-pages shown to the left, viewers can access:
Sub-page | Contents |
DEER Change Log | Information about updates made to tables of the DEER database |
Archived PEAR Change Log | An archive of updates made to the former PEAR database through 2021-12-31; the PEAR database was renamed to DEER in January 2022. |
Archive ExAnte Change Log | An archive of updates made to the former ExAnte database through 2021-12-31; the ExAnte database was retired as of 2022-01-01. |