Load Shapes History: DEER2020/ 2023 Load Shapes, Part 2 of 2

File Start Date End Date Date posted Notes
DEER_p_2SG4WxC.zip 2020 Aug 5

This zip file contains the measure-case energy consumption load shapes and GLS parameters using both CZ2010 and CZ2022 weather data for the following MeasureIDs (for the 1985 building vintage): * Non-res. ACs, 65-134 kBtu/h and 12.5 EER w/o PreEconomizer (1) * Non-res. single-zone ACs, 240-759 kBtu/h and 10.8 EER (1) * Non-res. refrigerant charge measures (5) * Res. refrigerant charge measures (6). File size: 78.9 MB, Last updated 8/5/2020